Let's talk Training.. Strength Style

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Let's talk for a minute about one of my favorite pastimes.

Strength Training

Arthur Saxon was "The Man"

I've been "lifting" as it were for 10+ years, but it wasn't until the last 3 that I actually learned how to lift smart and make the most of my gym time.

But before I get into that, like all things White Collar BJJ, it's time to tell a story.

For the better part of the last 10 years I've been plagued with some manner of repetitive stress injury, tendonitis, nerve pinches, impingement, etc. Basically I chalked this up to part of the process of strength training. You train, you get injuries, it's impossible to avoid.

Well I learned something three years ago.

Strength Training should not involve injuries, in fact if done right it can be virtually injury free.

How did I learn this?

Well I was invited to a cardio conditioning training session by a local trainer, after years of strength training I was amazed at how "ineffective" my power generation was when really put to the test in a functional setting. This guy had me doing all manner of challenging activities, from jumps and lunges to explosive push ups and all manner of band pulls.

You get the basic idea, thank you Mr. Wikipedia

End result I was beat to hell, but loved every minute of it. So I asked him where he learned this stuff.

He then walked out with a set of VHS tapes from Juan Carlos Santana and said "Watch these, you'll learn something."

So I did, I watched them all, I learned a bunch, but didn't really understand how to put it together into a cohesive plan.

That's when I purchased "The Essence of Program Design" and attended a Combat Training Seminar at IHP. This was all well and good, I learned a lot from my time with JC and his team, but the "Essence" still  wasn't perfect, it really wasn't built for the needs of a Combat Athlete.

Well JC solved that problem.

Enter "Strength and Conditioning for the Modern Gladiator".

JC sums up the entire training plan development process from "Essence of Program Design" and provides examples and plan guidance geared toward the combat athlete.

I could sit here and type on and on about the quality of JC's planning process, or the success I've had using his methods, but in the immortal words of Napoleon Bonaparte,

"Un bon croquis vaut mieux qu'un long discours,"

Or.. "A good sketch is better than a long speech."

In this case it's Hazmat before meeting JC and training in his circuit style...and after 1 year of intensity circuit strength training..

Thanks JC!

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If I could save time in a bottle...

Monday, May 5, 2008

First, the exciting news..

While it's a bit pre-mature to be saying this, Mrs. Hazmat and I are looking at the very high likelihood of Haz-baby number two!

Yes, yes, thank you for your congratulations, we are both very excited.

Now, it does raise an interesting question, is it possible to maintain your training and dedication while still being a great husband, father, and provider?

Whew.. no pressure. :)

Well, let's go over what I've learned during the last year with my daughter.

1. Find a school with lots of scheduling options.

This is so important it has to come first, if you don't have class options then you are going to be stuck missing a lot of mat time. I'm lucky, my gym is stocked with options so I'm in good shape... when I can make it.

2. Remind yourself that you AREN'T a professional athlete and your health is very important.

I like to train, I like to train hard, in fact, until my daughter was born I was willing to roll with almost anyone. Since then.. well, let's just say I'm much more  selective. Hey, it's simple, I must be a Dad, Husband, and Provider first, so going all out 100% with spaz-tastic people is just not an option. I've even gone so far as to simply refuse to roll with people I don't trust. I really don't care what they think anymore, it's a matter of personal health and safety, both of which are much more important than someone's bruised ego.

3. Carve out a little space.

Ok, here's where I have a distinct advantage, I own a second garage that doubles as my office and gym. Yes the floors are padded and I have enough room in there to roll, lift, or work. It's my oasis 15 feet off the starboard bow. Now not everyone is going to have an option like that, but I know plenty of guys that invest in some fold out mat and carve out some space in their garage. Whatever you have to do, find the space and you'll find that you can find the time to use it.

4. The wee hours

I find that there are times when "all the world's asleep" and I can often grab 30 minutes of time and get some one-on-one training with Harvey (Submission Master Dummy) taken care of. When are these times? O'Dark 30. Or, more often than not, very early in the morning or very late at night. No, you aren't going to have access to a buddy to train with, so these are going to be conditioning, lifting, or drills time, but if you found the space, this is when you find the time.

5. Find more friends

Now that you've got a mission, recruit more guys/girls from your gym. Find people that are in a similar situation and can meet up at odd times for Open Mat. If you are really lucky, look to get your spouses together. If that works you are in great shape, as the spouses can often "co-share" with the kids and it makes everything easier.

6. Have fun

Yes, enjoy yourself, no, you aren't going to excel faster than that college kid who spends every waking moment training, but you aren't in that phase of your life anymore. Enjoy the phase you are in, accept the ups and downs it offers, and have fun.


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