Topical Ibuprofen? Wow...

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Yeah, you read that right. In my quest to train hard and recover faster I discovered something yesterday.. or should I say Mrs. Hazmat discovered something yesterday.

Mrs. Hazmat works in the therapy profession and happened across a free sample of something called "Ibunex" at the health care provider store. It's topical ibuprofen, sounds too good to be true right? Well I thought so, however after trying it out this morning and reading through the material these guys may be on to something.

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Panacea for the ages, or flimflam in a can?

The research appears to be very convincing...
[Clin Pharmacol Ther. 1999 Apr; 65(4):347-68] University of Erlangen, Germany microdialysis found essentially the entire oral dose of Ibuprofen dose was recovered in urine, but less than 1% of the topical Ibuprofen dose suggesting greater pain relief after topical administration of Ibuprofen accompanied with less systemic side effects.

Core Products Laboratories Research

So, if I'm reading correctly, my bottles of Ibuprofen are really the makings of very expensive urine? Great.

Well Core Products Labs will let you order a free sample (it's good for one usage), I'll tell you what, after an especially rough rolling week (getting in all my time before the holidays) my calf was hurting big time. I rubbed in my free sample and was feel remarkably better in short order. I would say that it was the rough equivalent of 2 ibuprofen after 2 hours of digestion...The key here is I got this effect within 5 minutes of topical application!

So, go get a free sample, try it out, beats expensive wee any day of the week.

Train..heck Recover Smart!


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Anonymous said...

Dude! Thanks! Exactly what I was researching from exactly my kind of source!

Dr. K